The Gathering 2006: Resultatene klare! |
Da er resultatene fra kompoene klare. I tillegg skal de fleste bidragene være ute på FTP-tjeneren.
Bidragene finner du her: ftp://ftp.gathering.org/TG/2006/
OPPDATERING: Rune Holm har sett opp et speil her: http://www.ping.uio.no/~runehol/tg06/
Reason fast music 1. 444 pts Time is running out by Kaktusen 2. 329 pts Jeg er talentløs by Thirdbeat 3. 308 pts Spacecraft Minous Moos (Anagram Remix) by Level 1
Game Development 1. 450 pts Evil Chickens by The Hullkort Masters 2. 449 pts Captive the game by Andromeda Software Development 3. 416 pts Spacecraft Minous Moos (Anagram Remix) by Snake Magnus Ekse
Theme Graphics 1. 506 ptsA Grave Misunderstanding by Mulm 2. 251 ptsForest Munkby Jonny Ree 3. 221 pts The god of balloon manufacturing and herring redistribution in East Timorby Fulgemat / Kvasigen
Freestyle Graphics 1. 216 ptsVi vil ha loff! by Mulm 2. 154 ptsYan Yi Look by Yan Yi Look 3. 141ptsGone wrong by Joachim Grønl
Fast Intro 1. 600 ptsSaving TG by The Dark Codex 2. 578 ptsProfessor i TG by Kvasigen feat. MESED 3. 343 ptsThe Secret Of Unicorn Island by Lightcore
High Quality Music 1. 280 ptsSunset in Alcudia by edzes 2. 234 ptsBokshami by Figment 3. 185 ptsImminent by Kaktusen
Wild Compo 1. 439 ptslol race, 5 o'clock, lol... race.. hehelol by The Dark Codex 2. 396 ptsA Matter of Chilly Duties by Mulm 3. 227ptsSpacenuts by Lasse A. Karlsen
64k 1. 664 ptsSmoke This by The Portal Posse 2. 423 ptsPrefect by eVolution 3. 418 ptsBrightly Colored Male Nipple by Spaceballs & Zymosis
Combined 1. 730 pts Animal Attraction by Andromeda Software Development 2. 706 pts Genesis by Outracks 3. 612 pts Treble and Bass by PlayPsyCo 4. 232 pts The Beginning by nazaret
Useless 1. pregnancy calculator
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